Administrative data

Building global knowledge about social security administration

Administrative data

Building global knowledge about social security administration

The ISSA is developing an Administrative Database designed to complement the International Social Security Association’s unique online Country Profiles on social security. It will provide key institutional data on social security administrations around the world, including data such as the number of staff, offices, and administrative system highlights.

Unique global data source

The database will cover administrative information in four main areas of importance to our members: Governance and Organizational Structure, Operations, Information and Communication Technology and Communication.

The Administrative Database will be built and updated through surveys, and made accessible for ISSA Members.

Questionnaire on administrative data and service initiatives - Survey form


Survey results

Survey report on administrative data and service initiatives - Final report

Survey report on administrative data and service initiatives - Final report

Teruto Mukoyama, Shoji Arahira, Yasuyuki Nagamine, Japan Pension Service (Japan)
Publication date:
Modification date:
1 November 2019


Survey report on administrative data and service initiatives - Summary report

Survey report on administrative data and service initiatives - Summary report

Yasuyuki Nagamine, Japan Pension Service
Technical Commission on Old-age, Invalidity and Survivors' Insurance
Publication date:
October 2019
Modification date:
4 December 2019


For a more detailed overview of the type of data that will be collected, take a look at the following table.

Part 1. Governance and organizational structure

1.1. Core business

1.2. Human resources policy

1.3. Audit

1.4. Workforce and budget

Part 2. Operations

2.1. Coverage registration

2.2. Contribution collection

2.3. Benefit management

2.4. Provision of/access to individual records

Part 3. Information and Communication Technology

3.1. ICT framework

3.2. System development

3.3. Information security management

3.4. Data management

Part 4. Communication

4.1. Communication strategy

4.2. Social media

4.3. Financial/pension literacy

4.4. Reflection of customers’ needs and opinions