Unédic (Unemployment Insurance)

The new unedic.org website: Improving accessibility and mobile use

Implementation year

Unédic (Unemployment Insurance) (Unédic (Assurance chômage)) in France launched its brand-new website on 18 October 2023. Accessibility has been put at the heart of the redesign, making information about Unédic and unemployment insurance even more accessible, in line with current regulation and standards, specifically for people with disabilities.

The site has also been designed to respond to new mobile uses. Whether on smartphones or computers, all efforts have made to ensure browsing is smoother and more intuitive, whatever device is being used. The new unedic.org site has a fresh, clean design, and has been adapted to offer users improved content with themed dossiers for a more in-depth understanding of the issues (negotiations, ecological transition, etc.). The website also includes news, regulations, studies and forecasts, and insights on unemployment insurance (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=assurancech%C3%B4mage&highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7120358125894819841), as well as information from experts and more.

On the website, employees, jobseekers, and employers can find all the practical information they need about their rights. Right from the home page, the site reaffirms Unédic’s commitment to providing individuals and their careers with as much protection as possible in relation to the realities of employment.

Information and communication technology
Transparency of working rules